Monday, August 3, 2009


I was watching a show today about a cafe in Prague were you can buy a bowl of stale, hard doughnuts for $60 American dollars under the condition that you will start throwing them at people in the restaurant. I love this! Basically, this is based after a novel written in the 1940's where the author described the three types of people in the world: the people who look at a bowl of stale doughnuts and think nothing, the people you look at a bowl of stale doughnuts and think about throwing them at people in the cafe, and the people who look at a bowl of stale doughnuts and actually throw them at people in the cafe.

Unfortunately, I think I fall into the second category. I would love to throw doughnuts at random people in a cafe, but I know that I would feel constrained by my conscience. I would see the doughnuts sitting in that bowl in their sugary, powered glory and invision the jelly inside exploding on the face of some unsuspecting cafe patron while keeping my hands tightly restrained in my pockets and never even thinking about following through with such an insane fantasy. But, I have to say, this doughnut story has inspired me to be the kind of person that "throws the doughnuts". Obviously, by "throwing the doughnuts" I do not always mean literally throwing doughnuts, this could mean anything!

It could mean saying exactly what I want to say to someone exactly when and how I want to say it without reservations or worry of the consequences. It could mean jumping out of an airplane without worrying about the whole death thing. It could mean leaving the country and starting a whole new life somewhere and not looking back. This whole "throwing the doughnuts" thing is a lifestyle, and I am thinking about trying to "throw the doughnuts" a hell of a lot more often than I do now.

So I'm going to start taking more chances, worrying a whole lot less, and just living life more whole heartedly and passionately. After all, who wants to be the kind of person who looks at a bowl of stale doughnuts and doesn't think anything at all ; ).

1 comment:

jacqueline said...

oh man i'm such a fattie -- i look at a bowl of stale doughnuts and convince myself that they won't be as bad if i put them in the microwave.