Saturday, December 6, 2008


I saw Milk last night and it was FANTASTIC. It was so inspiring. It annoys me that Sean Penn is SUCH a great actor. He is such a know-it-all in real life... well, maybe he does know it all, who knows? James Franco is adorable despite his short curly afro and the story is just amazing.

We live is such an amazing time. Within the past hundred years or so this country has experienced the Civil Rights Movement, women gained the right to vote and went from being forced to stay at home as maids slash baby making machines to CEO's. It wasn't long ago that young men were drafted into unjust wars without a choice. And it still very recent that gay people can "come out" and still have the same opportunities in their personal and professional lives as straight people (sometimes). But no matter how much progress has been made or will be made, we will still never eliminate bigotry or hate. That is why I love seeing movies like this. It reminds us to keep fighting for what so many incredible people worked so hard for. Because my friends and I live in our social bubble where all are accepted and discrimination is something we hear about in the news, it's easy to forget that if we step outside our relationships or even our neighborhoods, discrimination is everywhere and we should not get too comfortable with the state of acceptance in this country.

That is my PSA for the day, but I would also like to mention that about 3 million amazing movies are about to come out and I cannot WAIT! I am excited to see: Slumdog Millionaire, Doubt, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and, most of all, Revolutionary Road. After all of the crappy action and scary movies that always come out in the summer and fall, I am excited to finally see good acting again! And, PS. my inner 13 year old is longing to see "Jack" and "Rose" together again in a movie : )

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