Monday, November 3, 2008

Election Eve

So here we are, only hours away from knowing who will be the next President of the United States. I have to admit, although I am excited for so many things to change in this country, the one thing I am looking forward to the most about this election coming to an end is, well, this election coming to an end. I am so exhausted from debating and the polarizing atmosphere that is created during an election. But, before this election is over, there is one thing I really want to get off of my chest when it comes to stereotyping Obama supporters.

The McCain/Palinites (yes, I just invented that term-lol) are constantly referring to Obama as a "celebrity" and just some "rock n' roll" candidate whose only political strategy is to play with the emotions of his supporters. I am so offended by statements like these. Although I am a HUGE Obama supporter and I am often in awe of his verbal eloquence, I am by no means a GROUPIE. I think what has so many of us swept up in Barack Obama is the fact that it is so unbelievably powerful, exciting, and refreshing to have a presidential candidate that is passionate about more than just WINNING the election. There are so few politicians that seem to have as much passion about "doing the job" as winning the position.

THAT is what impresses me so much about Barack Obama. Not that he got Common and Kanye West to perform at the Democratic National Convention, or that he is young or good-looking. It is the fact that I think he does not only want to be President, he wants to do a good job.

I am so excited about the idea of having an INTELLECTUAL president. A president that can move people by his words. Presidents that can do that are not going to be like the polarizing president we've had the past eight years... "You are either with us or against us"...Remember that? What kind of leader speaks that way? We are (hopefully) about to have a president that sat on the board of the Harvard Law Revue... not a C student who got into Yale through his daddy's connections.

His ability to draw a crowd is not what attracts me to him; WHO HE IS and WHAT HE HAS ACCOMPLISHED attracts me to him. So, to all of the conservatives that are desperately making fun of Barack for being POPULAR, think about what you're saying.

On a separate note, I am so sad that Obama's grandmother passed away today and will have to miss the most significant moment in her grandson's life. I feel so sad for him that he will not have the time to stop for a moment and grieve for her- these last few hours are too crucial. But, hopefully, tomorrow will be a day he can dedicate to her and all she did to raise such an amazing person.

Well, here we go- No matter what your bumper sticker says, we will have a new president tomorrow and, no matter who it is, we are all in this together. Let's just cross our fingers that America gets it right this time.

Below I have some statistics from and, well, it looks damn good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent post. You're amazing. I agree with you wholeheartedly, and as always, you said it better than I could. Love you!