Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Gay Marriage Debate

My blood is boiling.

I have had it with the gay marriage debate.

After recent statements made by the runner-up in the Miss USA pageant, the debate has been reignited yet again, and I am forced to clinch my teeth as I listen to hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans try to rationalize their bigotry.

I am sick to death of hearing people say that two men or women together cannot provide for their child, whether it be emotionally or otherwise or that by making gay marriage legal, that homosexuals will be destroying the "holiest" of unions.

I have only one thing to say about this argument:

If (straight) marriage had a record of success, and I don't think that a 50:50 success ratio meets the definition of "good" by anyone's standards, THEN you would have an argument. Why would you try to prevent anyone from loving and caring for a child? Or loving and caring for each other?

You would think that the people fighting for this "institution" would begin with their own marriages... or at least their own "kind". And, in fact, considering that so many marriages are falling apart, it is probably about damn time we REDEFINE it. How about we just let people love each other? I'm not quite sure why anyone would have a problem with that...

This country is always so hypocritical. We are against "Separate but Equal" except when it comes to... those people...

Our country is founded on the separation of church and state, but politicians use "God" for political gain and we are asked to swear on a Bible in court.

It just amazes me that people fight against gay marriage as if it would cancel out their own straight marriage. People, gay marriage does not affect YOU! Do you feel the "effect" of anyone else's marriage in your daily life? NO! And it's not as if preventing gay couples from getting married will prevent gay couples! It is just ridiculous!

Gay couples adopt children in need. They pay taxes. They buy homes. And, most importantly, people in love, HAPPY people, are one of the world's most valuable resources.

So here is my advice to you, if you are against gay marriage... don't get married to a person of the same sex, and you'll be alright... I promise.


Anonymous said...

A to the MEN sista!

Darius said...

In the argument against gay marriage, replace every instance of "gay" with the word "interracial" and you have effectively transported yourself back in time over 40 years (at least in the US).

It's the same story every time. Homophobic, xenophobic, racist, backward, selfish people attempting to control others based on false premises and ingrained fear and hatred. And it seems there's always a sector of the population to hate.

Kari said...

On a side note... it's ridiculous how people pick and choose things out of the bible to believe and take as truth and law. Sure the bible says that homosexuality is a sin... but it also says that you should stone your children to death if they disobey you.

Lame ass bitches...

lay_to_the_ton said...

Kari, I also think, according to the Bible, that you are supposed to be stoned if you work on Sundays... or maybe you just go to hell for eternity... I can't remember...

But, we need to remember that this is not an argument unique to Christians alone. Nearly every religion speaks out against homosexuality.

...and that's just not my style ;)

Kari said...

Oh, of course it's not just a Christian thing... I was just commenting on how people have a stubborn, one track mind about these things and don't even consider anything that might discount that belief in any way.

I say yay for gay all the way! :)

Leigh said...

I know I'm a bit late to this one, but regardless... AMEN!! It's so refreshing to read this. :) Love is love is love... and I'm a fan of that. Why people can't accept that is beyond me.

Cheers to gay marriage!