Monday, March 2, 2009

My Grown-Up Weekend

I guess by using the term "grown-up", I already seem more like a kid than an adult, but I really did feel like an one this weekend... and it was weeeeeiiirdddd.

On Friday, I was so exhausted I couldn't bare the thought of going out. Instead I booked a massage and looked at home furnishings by myself... that sounds so ridiculous to me as a type it... but that's exactly what I did. Then I met up with Diana for a slice and we actually made plans to finish just in time to watch Frasier... WHO AM I?? Hahahaa! I'm only about two months into adulthood and I am already trying to make it home in time to watch "my shows"!? I need to be careful or soon I'll be falling asleep face deep in my early bird special at Applebees!!

Saturday was much less elderly-like...

I had to work in the early afternoon at a Big's and Little's pizza slash thank you card writing party to show appreciation for our donors. It was so fantastic to see these amazing people choosing to spend their Saturday with kids who really need someone to look up to and have fun with. My job felt important that day : ). Later on, Darius, Melissa and I planned to have an adult night. Nice place, nice clothes, nice company, and no cheap beer, pizza, or Mexican food.

On the way to Apre Diem (easily one of my favorite places to hang out in Atl), we talked about one part in the movie "As Good as it Gets" where the three main characters are in Paris and they become the perfect picture of "eat, drink, and be merry". They order food and drinks all night while just laughing, talking and not thinking about anything outside of the moment.

Our night ended up being so much like that movie. We laughed and talked and ate and drank. We didn't think too hard about what anything was costing, or what time it was. We just had fun... and we looked damn good too ; ).

I live for nights like that! Nights like that remind you that sometimes the most simple things in life are the most pleasant. I would have to say that friends, food, wine, and conversation are probably my favorite things in the world, and I really love when they come all at once!

And, speaking of conversation, one of our favorite topics of the night was about this BBC documentary about technology replacing and/or eclipsing human intelligence. It's about an hour long, but, seriously, WATCH IT! It's fascinating and you won't regret it!

On Sunday, Darius and I slept in, watched a documentary (Man on Wire),went grocery shopping, played in the unexpected snow, cooked dinner and feel asleep after watching about 300 Internet videos on (my new obsession). It was a perfect day... well... except for the grocery store.

There is something that happens at the grocery store that I cannot STAND. OK, it may sound stupid to you, but I cannot remember the last time I bought grapes and the Ziploc bag that they came in was not wide open and broken!?!? WTH?? Why do they even bother to put them in plastic bags with zippers??? They are ALWAYS broken! This drives me crazy! I mean, I don't want to put the plastic bag inside another plastic bag, so I always try to do this twisty, half-knot thing but because there is never enough plastic to tie the bag shut, it always ends up coming open during the drive home and I have to go searching for random stray grapes rolling around my trunk. SO, to you grape companies out there, don't tease me with this pseudo Ziploc bag, I am over it!

But, other than that, it was a damn good weekend! Here are some pics from the random snow day and our pathetic, little snow man : )

My house

Josh and me after waking up to the snow!

Even Snowmen gotta get that potassium!

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