Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Beginnings...

It's like I'm reliving my first day of school. I am the new kid and for the first time in my life, I am keeping a little to myself, trying to take everything in. I am excited and overwhelmed but overall, I can't wait to become a more resourceful and useful person.

I can't believe I have my own office, and I really can't believe that I said "Meet me in my office" several times in the past two days. In a way I feel like a kid masquerading as an adult despite my confidence and maturity. It will take a lot of getting used to, but I feel pretty sure that this will be a GREAT beginning to my career.

At my yoga class tonight, the teacher read a passage from one of her favorite books...

"Freedom is not freedom from the world. It is freedom within it."

What a helpful phrase for this time in my life. In one way I feel like I've become just another one of "them" driving in rush hour, taking lunch breaks, and stressing over things that would not even phase me in the "real world" but on the other hand, I can choose to lose myself in this work. I can learn to feel free within this new environment and within my work. Free to be creative and to be myself.

It will take some time to make this new life feel like my own, but the reality is, it IS mine and I will love it as I have come to love many challenging things in my life. For now, I will try to find some plants that can flourish in fluorescent lighting and, well, I guess I hope that I will too : )

"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.”


Unknown said...

I hope you are going to put a badass picture of us in your office.

Oxfam at GSU said...

i'm so happy for you. and as unsure of things and nervous as you may get, just know that i absolutely never worry about how you'll do, cause this will just be one more thing you rock the pants off of.

love, ma