Sunday, November 23, 2008


TLC only has shows about 3 things:

1.) Little People
2.) Obese people
3.) People with obscene amounts of children

Seriously. WTH?

I wonder why they are doing this. I mean, are a bunch of TLC executives sitting around a big table and one of them jumps out of their chair and says, "I know! Let's have a show about people who have a ton of children!" and the others say, "But don't we already have that with John and Kate Plus Eight?" and the excited exec replies, "Yeah, but these people can have, like, more than eight kids! Like, we can have a show about people who have 12 kids and another show about people who have 17 kids and maybe even a show about people loving shows about people that have tons of kids! This multiple kid business is a gold mine!" and everyone high fives each other???

And don't get me started on the incessant specials about primordial dwarfs and obese people.

I. am. over. it.

But, yet, I cannot change the channel...

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