Friday, October 31, 2008

I miss Tanzania

As my final semester in college comes to an end, I am trying to decide what is next for me. I want to do PR for non-profits, I want to join the Peace Corps, I want to continue to personal train, I want to travel, I want to teach English in Korea, I want to do A MILLION THINGS!! The issue here is: I don't know what to do first.

I am trying to be as open as possible because, not only is the job market scary right now, but any work experience will be valuable to me at this point in time. Whether I end up in sales, actually getting to do something in PR, or even just working as a receptionist, I would be gaining and improving upon skills that will help me in the future and it would also be nice just to have ONE schedule for once in my life! I have had a job since I was 13! I'm not kidding. I worked every weekend at a cheerleading gym from ages 13-15 and then worked at Loco's Deli and Pub, Mellow Mushroom, Real Estate International, Red Bull, and now, Ladies Workout Express. Balancing a job and school and even, for a while, an internship on top of that, has been exhausting and I would love to go to work, come home and be done! No homework or leaving from one job to the next!

But all of this planning for the future makes me wonder when I am going to get to go back to Africa. I miss Tanzania so much! I miss the friendships I made there, I miss the culture, and the beautiful untouched scenery. If I could have it my way, I would be teaching AIDS education in Tanzania right now, but I do not feel ready to sign up for the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps is a 2 year and 3 month commitment and I just can't leave my friends and family for that long right now.

Hmm. SO much to think about, but I know I will find my way. I always have : )

But, I have to point out that the little girl right next to me in that picture above, Aleluna, is brilliant. When I met her last summer, she was reading and writing and tried to learn as much English as she could but she could not afford to go to school. That is just not right, and, all I know, is ultimately, I want to make it my life's work to make sure more girls like her, are never denied the opportunity to learn. And I will make it happen, I just hope I can start on that journey sooner rather than later!

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