Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Refresh Button...

How can I hit it? I have to go ahead and admit it... I have officially dated every single man in Atlanta and either, it's time to move... or time to hit the refresh button...

And, considering my lease isn't up until July... it leaves me with just one choice... refresh...

This is actually the first time in my life I have dated- regularly and multiple people... it is hilarious, fun, interesting and EXHAUSTING.

I have always been a one-man kind of woman and it's been a major adjustment to have met and gotten to know so many people in such a short period of time. One thing is for sure though, nothing helps one to get to know themselves better than meeting tons of different people on their own... I have no choice but to be myself and to see how I do with all different types of people... even the freakazoids...

And, let me tell ya, there have been some freakazoids!!!

But all of this man-meeting has pointed something out to me I have never known before... I am EXTREMELY closed-minded... and I had NO idea. Who knew so many things could be deal breakers?? Listening to SKA music, watching FOX news, saying "that's funny" after jokes, having strange voices and/or voice patterns and coming on too strong or not strong enough-- HOLY COW-- my list is endless!! And all of this begs the question: at what point does having standards and preferences give in to judgement??

As a woman who knows herself and what she wants out of life, it's hard for me to entertain the idea of being with a man who cannot meet me at this level... but it takes an excruciatingly long time to uncover whether or not someone truly knows themselves because knowing one's self is a shockingly easy thing to pretend... this has been proven to me quite a few times in the past year...

So... what's a girl to do? Flee the country? Join a convent? This is yet to be determined but, for now, all of these awesomely bad dating stories are great over a pitcher or beer with a beloved girlfriend and, well... that will have to do for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny.