Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Just when I thought "Crocs" secured the title of "World's Ugliest Footwear", (except for maybe for "Jellies" which were ugly AND painful *double whammy*) America outdoes itself by choosing an even more horrific style of footwear that easily deserves a life sentence for crimes against humanity/fashion... and it goes by the name Vibram Five Fingers (see below).

For God's sake, why on Earth would you subject the people around you to something so... so... explicit? Is that the word I'm looking for? I don't know... All I know is that I'm offended, and something must be done! I recently saw a man in Downtown Decatur sporting these babies, and I just had to announce my disapproval. So there you have it. I disapprove.

1 comment:

durty S. munki said...

one of the trainers at fitwit has a pair of these hotties....ooowwwwwww!