Monday, August 18, 2008

Strange Luck

First of all, I knew this would happen. It has already been a month since my last post. Keeping a blog can be fun and I always think I'll be thankful for keeping one when I read through them a year later, but it always kind of feels like homework except for the occasional day like today when I actually feel like writing one.

Well, the reason I am writing today is because I have been having the strangest luck lately. What I mean is that all of the major things in my life have been amazing lately but all of the tiny things have been little disasters. I kind of feel like I'm paying for the good parts of my life with constant inconveiniences, awkward moments, and even physical pain! What I mean by the "major" things in my life are my relationships, work, and future plans. I have had the greatest times with my friends and family lately. I love my new house, my new roommates, I couldn't be having anymore fun with Darius, and I have never felt closer to my family. Just yesterday, Darius and I spent the entire day on the lake with my parents waterskiing, swimming, talking, and laughing... I mean, life doesn't really get better than that. The past week has been spent going out to a million different places with friends dancing and hanging out and just enjoying the last few, carefree moments of summer... but what I am finding out is that all of these things come with a price...

It all started when I found out that I had to re-paint my old apartment or Jacqueline and I would be charged a heafty painting fee. We had originally planned to just forget about the deposit and leave our apartment "as is" because we heard that our complex rarely refunded deposits anyway. Well, I ended up spending almost $80 of money I just do not have to be spending on painting supplies and spent 3 days cleaning and plainting my ass off in order to get back at least enough money to pay me back for the things I had just purchased. The situation was already bad enough with running from work to old apartment to Lowe's to my new house and back about three million times a day, but my real bad luck started on my last day of painting...

After seeing some scuffs on the wall in the un-painted kitchen, I decided to paint over it with some of the left over paint I had from painting back the living room... it was only after I painted a quarter of the wall that I realized they were two different colors. After mopping the floor for the 2nd time, I collected the last of my things from the apartment and walked out onto the front stoop of my building only to be covered with a TON of saw dust left from the top of the door that some construction workers left from their work earlier that day. It felt like like a random practical joke! After clearing the dust from my eyes and mouth, I loaded my stuff into the car. When I got to my new house the piece of furniture I was holding randomly broke into 4 pieces scattering all of the things it was holding all over the front yard. After going upstairs, I was cleaning up my room and I emptied my trash into a cardboard box which then leaked some myterious ooze all over my house as I drug it outside to toss it in the garbage. And this ooze wasn't your typical ooze... we are talking foul smelling, how-could-this-possibly-have-existed-in-my-room(???) ooze. So I spent the night scrubbing the floors and carpet.

Over the next few days I was attacked by mosquitos, sat down on an upside down high heel (one of the worst pains I have felt ever and I have a bruise to prove it), found out my house has a serious ant problem, and, the weirdest backwards karma of all, while at a restaurant with friends, I noticed that a 20 dollar bill fell out of a woman's purse and as I reached for the money and yelled to her to get her attention, my favorite bracelet got caught on the booth and it broke, scattering beads everywhere. What the hell is that??

But despite all of these weird occurances (plus others but I just don't have the time), everything else has been so wonderful. So at least I have had some funny stories to tell my friends and family over drinks and hang out sessions... I mean, it builds character, right??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i read your blog